Static Methods
isArguments(obj)isArguments.jsline 20
Check whether the given variable is an arguments object or not.
If the given variable is an arguments object, return true.PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is arguments?
isArray(obj)isArray.jsline 14
Check whether the given variable is an instance of Array or not.
If the given variable is an instance of Array, return true.PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is array instance?
isArraySafe(obj)isArraySafe.jsline 15
Check whether the given variable is an instance of Array or not.
If the given variable is an instance of Array, return true.
(It is used for multiple frame environments)PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is an instance of array?
isBoolean(obj)isBoolean.jsline 14
Check whether the given variable is a boolean or not.
If the given variable is a boolean, return true.PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is boolean?
isBooleanSafe(obj)isBooleanSafe.jsline 15
Check whether the given variable is a boolean or not.
If the given variable is a boolean, return true.
(It is used for multiple frame environments)PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is a boolean?
isDateSafe(obj)isDateSafe.jsline 15
Check whether the given variable is an instance of Date or not.
If the given variables is an instance of Date, return true.
(It is used for multiple frame environments)PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is an instance of Date?
isEmpty(obj)isEmpty.jsline 49
Check whether the given variable is empty(null, undefined, or empty array, empty object) or not.
If the given variables is empty, return true.PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is empty?
isExisty(param)isExisty.jsline 30
Check whether the given variable is existing or not.
If the given variable is not null and not undefined, returns true.PARAMETERS
Name Type Description param
Target for checking
} - Is existy?EXAMPLES
// ES6 import isExisty from 'tui-code-snippet/type/isExisty'); // CommonJS const isExisty = require('tui-code-snippet/type/isExisty'); isExisty(''); //true isExisty(0); //true isExisty([]); //true isExisty({}); //true isExisty(null); //false isExisty(undefined); //false
isFalsy(obj)isFalsy.jsline 16
Check whether the given variable is falsy or not.
If the given variable is null or undefined or false, returns true.PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is falsy?
isFunction(obj)isFunction.jsline 14
Check whether the given variable is a function or not.
If the given variable is a function, return true.PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is function?
isFunctionSafe(obj)isFunctionSafe.jsline 15
Check whether the given variable is a function or not.
If the given variable is a function, return true.
(It is used for multiple frame environments)PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is a function?
isHTMLNode(html)isHTMLNode.jsline 14
Check whether the given variable is a instance of HTMLNode or not.
If the given variables is a instance of HTMLNode, return true.PARAMETERS
Name Type Description html
Target for checking
} - Is HTMLNode ?
isHTMLTag(html)isHTMLTag.jsline 14
Check whether the given variable is a HTML tag or not.
If the given variables is a HTML tag, return true.PARAMETERS
Name Type Description html
Target for checking
} - Is HTML tag?
isNotEmpty(obj)isNotEmpty.jsline 17
Check whether the given variable is not empty
(not null, not undefined, or not empty array, not empty object) or not.
If the given variables is not empty, return true.PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is not empty?
isNumber(obj)isNumber.jsline 14
Check whether the given variable is a number or not.
If the given variable is a number, return true.PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is number?
isNumberSafe(obj)isNumberSafe.jsline 15
Check whether the given variable is a number or not.
If the given variable is a number, return true.
(It is used for multiple frame environments)PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is a number?
isObject(obj)isObject.jsline 14
Check whether the given variable is an object or not.
If the given variable is an object, return true.PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is object?
isString(obj)isString.jsline 14
Check whether the given variable is a string or not.
If the given variable is a string, return true.PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is string?
isStringSafe(obj)isStringSafe.jsline 15
Check whether the given variable is a string or not.
If the given variable is a string, return true.
(It is used for multiple frame environments)PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is a string?
isTruthy(obj)isTruthy.jsline 17
Check whether the given variable is truthy or not.
If the given variable is not null or not undefined or not false, returns true.
(It regards 0 as true)PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is truthy?
isUndefined(obj)isUndefined.jsline 14
Check whether the given variable is undefined or not.
If the given variable is undefined, returns true.PARAMETERS
Name Type Description obj
Target for checking
} - Is undefined?