 * @fileoverview View class that conaints a top element of the DOM structure of the grid.
 * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Lab

'use strict';

var $ = require('jquery');

var View = require('../base/view');
var GridEvent = require('../event/gridEvent');
var targetTypeConst = GridEvent.targetTypeConst;
var attrNameConst = require('../common/constMap').attrName;
var classNameConst = require('../common/classNameConst');

 * Container View
 * @module view/container
 * @extends module:base/view
 * @param {Object} options - Options
 * @ignore
var Container = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/container.prototype */{
    initialize: function(options) {

        this.gridId = options.gridId;
        this.dimensionModel = options.dimensionModel;
        this.dataModel = options.dataModel;
        this.viewFactory = options.viewFactory;
        this.domEventBus = options.domEventBus;


        this.listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'setWidth', this._onSetWidth);
        $(window).on('resize.grid', $.proxy(this._onResizeWindow, this));

        this.__$el = this.$el.clone();

    events: {
        'click': '_onClick',
        'dblclick': '_onDblClick',
        'mousedown': '_onMouseDown',
        'mouseover': '_onMouseOver',
        'mouseout': '_onMouseOut',

        // for preventing drag
        'selectstart': '_preventDrag',
        'dragstart': '_preventDrag'

     * 내부에서 사용할 view 인스턴스들을 초기화한다.
     * @private
    _createChildViews: function() {
        var factory = this.viewFactory;


     * Event handler for resize event on window.
     * @private
    _onResizeWindow: function() {

     * drag 이벤트 발생시 이벤트 핸들러
     * @returns {boolean} false
     * @private
    _preventDrag: function() {
        return false;

     * Event handler for 'setWidth' event on Dimension
     * @private
    _onSetWidth: function() {

     * Event handler for click event
     * The reason for using 'elementFromPoint' is because of the selection.
     * @param {MouseEvent} ev - Mouse event
     * @private
    _onClick: function(ev) {
        var pointX = ev.pageX - window.pageXOffset;
        var pointY = ev.pageY - window.pageYOffset;
        var $target = $(document.elementFromPoint(pointX, pointY));
        var gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, GridEvent.getTargetInfo($target));

         * Occurs when a mouse button is clicked on the Grid.
         * The properties of the event object include the native event object.
         * @event Grid#click
         * @type {module:event/gridEvent}
         * @property {jQueryEvent} nativeEvent - Event object
         * @property {string} targetType - Type of event target
         * @property {number} rowKey - rowKey of the target cell
         * @property {string} columnName - columnName of the target cell
         * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance
        this.domEventBus.trigger('click', gridEvent);

        if (!gridEvent.isStopped() && gridEvent.targetType === targetTypeConst.CELL) {
            this.domEventBus.trigger('click:cell', gridEvent);

     * Event handler for the dblclick event
     * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent
     * @private
    _onDblClick: function(ev) {
        var $target = $(ev.target);
        var gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, GridEvent.getTargetInfo($target));

         * Occurs when a mouse button is double clicked on the Grid.
         * The properties of the event object include the native event object.
         * @event Grid#dblclick
         * @type {module:event/gridEvent}
         * @property {jQueryEvent} nativeEvent - Event object
         * @property {string} targetType - Type of event target
         * @property {number} rowKey - rowKey of the target cell
         * @property {string} columnName - columnName of the target cell
         * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance
        this.domEventBus.trigger('dblclick', gridEvent);

        if (!gridEvent.isStopped() && gridEvent.targetType === targetTypeConst.CELL) {
            this.domEventBus.trigger('dblclick:cell', gridEvent);

     * Event listener for the mouseover event
     * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent
     * @private
    _onMouseOver: function(ev) {
        var $target = $(ev.target);
        var gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, GridEvent.getTargetInfo($target));

         * Occurs when a mouse pointer is moved onto the Grid.
         * The properties of the event object include the native MouseEvent object.
         * @event Grid#mouseover
         * @type {module:event/gridEvent}
         * @property {jQueryEvent} nativeEvent - Event object
         * @property {string} targetType - Type of event target
         * @property {number} rowKey - rowKey of the target cell
         * @property {string} columnName - columnName of the target cell
         * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance
        this.domEventBus.trigger('mouseover', gridEvent);

     * Event listener for the mouseout event
     * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent
     * @private
    _onMouseOut: function(ev) {
        var $target = $(ev.target);
        var gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, GridEvent.getTargetInfo($target));

         * Occurs when a mouse pointer is moved off from the Grid.
         * The event object has all properties copied from the native MouseEvent.
         * @event Grid#mouseout
         * @type {module:event/gridEvent}
         * @property {jQueryEvent} nativeEvent - Event object
         * @property {string} targetType - Type of event target
         * @property {number} rowKey - rowKey of the target cell
         * @property {string} columnName - columnName of the target cell
         * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance
        this.domEventBus.trigger('mouseout', gridEvent);

     * Event handler for 'mousedown' event
     * @param {MouseEvent} ev - Mouse event
     * @private
    _onMouseDown: function(ev) {
        var $target = $(ev.target);
        var gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, GridEvent.getTargetInfo($target));
        var shouldFocus = !$target.is('input, a, button, select, textarea');
        var mainButton = gridEvent.columnName === '_button' && $target.parent().is('label');

        if (shouldFocus && !mainButton) {

            // fix IE8 bug (cancelling event doesn't prevent focused element from losing foucs)
            $target[0].unselectable = true;

             * Occurs when a mouse button is downed on the Grid.
             * The event object has all properties copied from the native MouseEvent.
             * @event Grid#mousedown
             * @type {module:event/gridEvent}
             * @property {jQueryEvent} nativeEvent - Event object
             * @property {string} targetType - Type of event target
             * @property {number} rowKey - rowKey of the target cell
             * @property {string} columnName - columnName of the target cell
             * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance
            this.domEventBus.trigger('mousedown:focus', gridEvent);

     * Render
     * @returns {module:view/container} this object
    render: function() {
        var childElements = this._renderChildren();

            .attr(attrNameConst.GRID_ID, this.gridId)


        return this;

     * Destroy
    destroy: function() {

        this.$el = this.__$el = null;

module.exports = Container;