
new Grid(options)

Grid public API

Name Type Description
options object
Name Type Attributes Default Description
data Array <optional>

Grid data for making rows.

header Object <optional>

Options object for header.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
height number <optional>

The height of the header area.

complexColumns array <optional>

This options creates new parent headers of the multiple columns
which includes the headers of spcified columns, and sets up the hierarchy.

rowHeight string | number <optional>

The height of each rows. The default value is 'auto',
the height of each rows expands to dom's height. If set to number, the height is fixed.

minRowHeight number <optional>

The minimum height of each rows. When this value is larger than
the row's height, it set to the row's height.

bodyHeight string | number <optional>

The height of body area. The default value is 'auto',
the height of body area expands to total height of rows. If set to 'fitToParent', the height of the grid
will expand to fit the height of parent element. If set to number, the height is fixed.

minBodyHeight number <optional>

The minimum height of body area. When this value
is larger than the body's height, it set to the body's height.

columnOptions Object <optional>

Option object for all columns

Name Type Attributes Default Description
minWidth number <optional>

Minimum width of each columns

resizable boolean <optional>

If set to true, resize-handles of each columns
will be shown.

frozenCount number <optional>

The number of frozen columns.
The columns indexed from 0 to this value will always be shown on the left side.
Grid#setFrozenColumnCount can be used for setting this value dynamically.

frozenBorderWidth boolean <optional>

The value of frozen border width.
When the frozen columns are created by "frozenCount" option, the frozen border width set.

copyOptions Object <optional>

Option object for clipboard copying

Name Type Attributes Description
useFormattedValue boolean <optional>

Whether to use formatted values or original values
as a string to be copied to the clipboard

useClientSort boolean <optional>

If set to true, sorting will be executed by client itself
without server.

virtualScrolling boolean <optional>

If set to true, use virtual-scrolling so that large
amount of data can be processed performantly.

editingEvent boolean <optional>

If set to 'click', editable cell in the view-mode will be
changed to edit-mode by a single click.

scrollX boolean <optional>

Specifies whether to show horizontal scrollbar.

scrollY boolean <optional>

Specifies whether to show vertical scrollbar.

showDummyRows boolean <optional>

If set to true, empty area will be filled with dummy rows.

keyColumnName string <optional>

The name of the column to be used to identify each rows.
If not specified, unique value for each rows will be created internally.

heightResizable boolean <optional>

If set to true, a handle for resizing height will be shown.

pagination Object <optional>

Options for tui.component.Pagination.
If set to null or false, pagination will not be used.

selectionUnit string <optional>

The unit of selection on Grid. ('cell', 'row')

rowHeaders array <optional>

Options for making the row header. The row header content is number of
each row or input element. The value of each item is enable to set string type. (ex: ['rowNum', 'checkbox'])

Name Type Attributes Description
type string <optional>

The type of the row header. ('rowNum', 'checkbox', 'radio')

title string <optional>

The title of the row header on the grid header area.

width number <optional>

The width of the row header.

template function <optional>

Template function which returns the content(HTML) of
the row header. This function takes a parameter an K-V object as a parameter to match template values.

columns array

The configuration of the grid columns.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
name string

The name of the column.

ellipsis boolean <optional>

If set to true, ellipsis will be used
for overflowing content.

align string <optional>

Horizontal alignment of the column content.
Available values are 'left', 'center', 'right'.

valign string <optional>

Vertical alignment of the column content.
Available values are 'top', 'middle', 'bottom'.

className string <optional>

The name of the class to be used for all cells of
the column.

title string <optional>

The title of the column to be shown on the header.

width number <optional>

The width of the column. The unit is pixel. If this value
isn't set, the column's width is automatically resized.

minWidth number <optional>

The minimum width of the column. The unit is pixel.

hidden boolean <optional>

If set to true, the column will not be shown.

resizable boolean <optional>

If set to false, the width of the column
will not be changed.

validation Object <optional>

The options to be used for validation.
Validation is executed whenever data is changed or the Grid#validate is called.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
required boolean <optional>

If set to true, the data of the column
will be checked to be not empty.

dataType boolean <optional>

Specifies the type of the cell value.
Avilable types are 'string' and 'number'.

defaultValue string <optional>

The default value to be shown when the column
doesn't have a value.

formatter function <optional>

The function that formats the value of the cell.
The retrurn value of the function will be shown as the value of the cell.

useHtmlEntity boolean <optional>

If set to true, the value of the cell
will be encoded as HTML entities.

ignored boolean <optional>

If set to true, the value of the column will be
ignored when setting up the list of modified rows.

sortable boolean <optional>

If set to true, sort button will be shown on
the right side of the column header, which executes the sort action when clicked.

onBeforeChange function <optional>

The function that will be
called before changing the value of the cell. If stop() method in event object is called,
the changing will be canceled.

onAfterChange function <optional>

The function that will be
called after changing the value of the cell.

editOptions Object <optional>

The object for configuring editing UI.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
type string <optional>

The string value that specifies
the type of the editing UI.
Available values are 'text', 'password', 'select', 'radio', 'checkbox'.

useViewMode boolean <optional>

If set to true, default mode
of the cell will be the 'view-mode'. The mode will be switched to 'edit-mode' only when user
double click or press 'ENTER' key on the cell. If set to false, the cell will always show the
input elements as a default.

listItems Array <optional>

Specifies the option items for the
'select', 'radio', 'checkbox' type. The item of the array must contain properties named
'text' and 'value'. (e.g. [{text: 'option1', value: 1}, {...}])

onFocus function <optional>

The function that will be
called when a 'focus' event occurred on an input element

onBlur function <optional>

The function that will be
called when a 'blur' event occurred on an input element

onKeyDown function <optional>

The function that will be
called when a 'keydown' event occurred on an input element

prefix string | function <optional>

The HTML string to be
shown left to the input element. If it's a function, the return value will be used.

postfix string | function <optional>

The HTML string to be
shown right to the input element. If it's a function, the return value will be used.

converter function <optional>

The function whose
return value (HTML) represents the UI of the cell. If the return value is
falsy(null|undefined|false), default UI will be shown.

copyOptions Object <optional>

Option object for clipboard copying.
This option is column specific, and overrides the global copyOptions.

Name Type Attributes Description
useFormattedValue boolean <optional>

Whether to use
formatted values or original values as a string to be copied to the clipboard

useListItemText boolean <optional>

Whether to use
concatenated text or original values as a string to be copied to the clipboard

customValue function <optional>

Whether to use
customized value from "customValue" callback or original values as a string to be copied to the clipboard

relations Array <optional>

Specifies relation between this and other column.

Name Type Attributes Description
targetNames array <optional>

Array of the names of target columns.

disabled function <optional>

If returns true, target columns
will be disabled.

editable function <optional>

If returns true, target columns
will be editable.

listItems function <optional>

The function whose return
value specifies the option list for the 'select', 'radio', 'checkbox' type.
The options list of target columns will be replaced with the return value of this function.

whiteSpace Array <optional>

If set to 'normal', the text line is broken
by fitting to the column's width. If set to 'pre', spaces are preserved and the text is braken by
new line characters. If set to 'pre-wrap', spaces are preserved, the text line is broken by
fitting to the column's width and new line characters. If set to 'pre-line', spaces are merged,
the text line is broken by fitting to the column's width and new line characters.

component Object <optional>

Option for using tui-component

Name Type Attributes Description
name string <optional>

The name of the compnent to use
for this column

options Object <optional>

The options object to be used for
creating the component

summary Object <optional>

The object for configuring summary area.

Name Type Attributes Description
height number <optional>

The height of the summary area.

columnContent Object.<string, Object> <optional>

The object for configuring each column in the summary.
Sub options below are keyed by each column name.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
useAutoSummary boolean <optional>

If set to true, the summary value of each column is served as a paramater to the template
function whenever data is changed.

template function <optional>

Template function which returns the
content(HTML) of the column of the summary. This function takes an K-V object as a parameter
which contains a summary values keyed by 'sum', 'avg', 'min', 'max' and 'cnt'.

footer Object <optional>

Deprecated: The object for configuring summary area. This option is replaced by "summary" option.

Name Type Attributes Description
height number <optional>

Deprecated: The height of the summary area.

columnContent Object.<string, Object> <optional>

Deprecated: The object for configuring each column in the summary.
Sub options below are keyed by each column name.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
useAutoSummary boolean <optional>

Deprecated: If set to true, the summary value of each column is served as a paramater to the template
function whenever data is changed.

template function <optional>

Deprecated: Template function which returns the
content(HTML) of the column of the summary. This function takes an K-V object as a parameter
which contains a summary values keyed by 'sum', 'avg', 'min', 'max' and 'cnt'.


static applyTheme(presetName, extOptionsopt)

Apply theme to all grid instances with the preset options of a given name.

Name Type Attributes Description
presetName String

preset theme name. Available values are 'default', 'striped' and 'clean'.

extOptions Object <optional>

if exist, extend preset options with this object.

Name Type Attributes Description
grid Object <optional>

Styles for the grid (container)

Name Type Attributes Description
background String <optional>

Background color of the grid.

border number <optional>

Border color of the grid

text number <optional>

Text color of the grid.

selection Object <optional>

Styles for a selection layer.

Name Type Attributes Description
background String <optional>

Background color of a selection layer.

border String <optional>

Border color of a selection layer.

scrollbar Object <optional>

Styles for scrollbars.

Name Type Attributes Description
background String <optional>

Background color of scrollbars.

thumb String <optional>

Color of thumbs in scrollbars.

active String <optional>

Color of arrows(for IE) or
thumb:hover(for other browsers) in scrollbars.

cell Object <optional>

Styles for the table cells.

Name Type Attributes Description
normal Object <optional>

Styles for normal cells.

Name Type Attributes Description
background String <optional>

Background color of normal cells.

border String <optional>

Border color of normal cells.

text String <optional>

Text color of normal cells.

showVerticalBorder Boolean <optional>

Whether vertical borders of
normal cells are visible.

showHorizontalBorder Boolean <optional>

Whether horizontal borders of
normal cells are visible.

head Object <optional>

Styles for the head cells.

Name Type Attributes Description
background String <optional>

Background color of head cells.

border String <optional>

border color of head cells.

text String <optional>

text color of head cells.

showVerticalBorder Boolean <optional>

Whether vertical borders of
head cells are visible.

showHorizontalBorder Boolean <optional>

Whether horizontal borders of
head cells are visible.

selectedHead Object <optional>

Styles for selected head cells.

Name Type Attributes Description
background String <optional>

background color of selected haed cells.

text String <optional>

text color of selected head cells.

focused Object <optional>

Styles for a focused cell.

Name Type Attributes Description
background String <optional>

background color of a focused cell.

border String <optional>

border color of a focused cell.

focusedInactive Object <optional>

Styles for a inactive focus cell.

Name Type Attributes Description
border String <optional>

border color of a inactive focus cell.

required Object <optional>

Styles for required cells.

Name Type Attributes Description
background String <optional>

background color of required cells.

text String <optional>

text color of required cells.

editable Object <optional>

Styles for editable cells.

Name Type Attributes Description
background String <optional>

background color of the editable cells.

text String <optional>

text color of the selected editable cells.

disabled Object <optional>

Styles for disabled cells.

Name Type Attributes Description
background String <optional>

background color of disabled cells.

text String <optional>

text color of disabled cells.

invalid Object <optional>

Styles for invalid cells.

Name Type Attributes Description
background String <optional>

background color of invalid cells.

text String <optional>

text color of invalid cells.

currentRow Object <optional>

Styles for cells in a current row.

Name Type Attributes Description
background String <optional>

background color of cells in a current row.

text String <optional>

text color of cells in a current row.

evenRow Object <optional>

Styles for cells in even rows.

Name Type Attributes Description
background String <optional>

background color of cells in even rows.

text String <optional>

text color of cells in even rows.

dummy Object <optional>

Styles for dummy cells.

Name Type Attributes Description
background String <optional>

background color of dummy cells.

var Grid = tui.Grid; // or require('tui-grid')

Grid.applyTheme('striped', {
    grid: {
        border: '#aaa',
        text: '#333'
    cell: {
        disabled: {
            text: '#999'

static getInstanceById(id) → {tui.Grid}

Returns an instance of the grid associated to the id.

Name Type Description
id number

ID of the target grid

tui.Grid -
  • Grid instance
    var Grid = tui.Grid; // or require('tui-grid')


static setLanguage(localeCode, dataopt)

Set language

Name Type Attributes Description
localeCode string

Code to set locale messages and
this is the language or language-region combination (ex: en-US)

data object <optional>

Messages using in Grid

var Grid = tui.Grid; // or require('tui-grid')

Grid.setLanguage('en'); // default and set English
Grid.setLanguage('ko'); // set Korean
Grid.setLanguage('en-US', { // set new language
     display: {
         noData: 'No data.',
         loadingData: 'Loading data.',
         resizeHandleGuide: 'You can change the width of the column by mouse drag, ' +
                             'and initialize the width by double-clicking.'
     net: {
         confirmCreate: 'Are you sure you want to create {{count}} data?',
         confirmUpdate: 'Are you sure you want to update {{count}} data?',
         confirmDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete {{count}} data?',
         confirmModify: 'Are you sure you want to modify {{count}} data?',
         noDataToCreate: 'No data to create.',
         noDataToUpdate: 'No data to update.',
         noDataToDelete: 'No data to delete.',
         noDataToModify: 'No data to modify.',
         failResponse: 'An error occurred while requesting data.\nPlease try again.'


Makes view ready to get keyboard input.

addCellClassName(rowKey, columnName, className)

Adds the specified css class to cell element identified by the rowKey and className

Name Type Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the row

columnName string

The name of the column

className string

The css class name to add

addRowClassName(rowKey, className)

Adds the specified css class to all cell elements in the row identified by the rowKey

Name Type Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the row

className string

The css class name to add

appendRow(rowopt, optionsopt)

Insert the new row with specified data to the end of table.

Name Type Attributes Description
row object <optional>

The data for the new row

options object <optional>


Name Type Attributes Description
at number <optional>

The index at which new row will be inserted

extendPrevRowSpan boolean <optional>

If set to true and the previous row at target index
has a rowspan data, the new row will extend the existing rowspan data.

focus boolean <optional>

If set to true, move focus to the new row after appending


Removes focus from the focused cell.


Checks the row identified by the specified rowKey.

Name Type Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the row


Checks all rows.


Removes all rows.


Copy to clipboard


Destroys the instance.


Disables all rows.


Disables the row identified by the spcified rowKey to not be abled to check.

Name Type Description
rowKey number | string

The unique keyof the row.


Disables the row identified by the rowkey.

Name Type Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the target row


Enables all rows.


Enables the row identified by the rowKey to be able to check.

Name Type Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the row


Enables the row identified by the rowKey.

Name Type Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the target row

findRows(conditions) → {array}

Find rows by conditions

Name Type Description
conditions object

K-V object to find rows (K: column name, V: column value)

array -

Row list

focus(rowKey, columnName, isScrollableopt)

Sets focus on the cell identified by the specified rowKey and columnName.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the row

columnName string

The name of the column

isScrollable boolean <optional>

If set to true, the view will scroll to the cell element.

focusAt(rowIndex, columnIndex, isScrollableopt)

Sets focus on the cell at the specified index of row and column.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
rowIndex number | string

The index of the row

columnIndex string

The index of the column

isScrollable boolean <optional>

If set to true, the view will scroll to the cell element.

focusIn(rowKey, columnName, isScrollableopt)

Sets focus on the cell at the specified index of row and column and starts to edit.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the row

columnName string

The name of the column

isScrollable boolean <optional>

If set to true, the view will scroll to the cell element.

focusInAt(rowIndex, columnIndex, isScrollableopt)

Sets focus on the cell at the specified index of row and column and starts to edit.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
rowIndex number | string

The index of the row

columnIndex string

The index of the column

isScrollable boolean <optional>

If set to true, the view will scroll to the cell element.

getAddOn(name) → {instance}

Returns the instance of specified AddOn.

Name Type Description
name string

The name of the AddOn

instance -

addOn - The instance of the AddOn

getCheckedRowKeys(isJsonStringopt) → {Array|string}

Returns a list of the rowKey of checked rows.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
isJsonString Boolean <optional>

If set to true, return value will be converted to JSON string.

Array | string -
  • A list of the rowKey. (or JSON string of the list)

getCheckedRows(useJsonopt) → {Array|string}

Returns a list of the checked rows.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
useJson Boolean <optional>

If set to true, return value will be converted to JSON string.

Array | string -
  • A list of the checked rows. (or JSON string of the list)

getColumns() → {Array}

Returns a list of the column model.

Array -
  • A list of the column model.

getColumnValues(columnName, isJsonStringopt) → {Array|string}

Returns a list of all values in the specified column.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
columnName string

The name of the column

isJsonString boolean <optional>

It set to true, return value will be converted to JSON string.

Array | string -
  • A List of all values in the specified column. (or JSON string of the list)

getElement(rowKey, columnName) → {jQuery}

Returns the jquery object of the cell identified by the rowKey and columnName.

Name Type Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the row

columnName string

The name of the column

jQuery -
  • The jquery object of the cell element

getFocusedCell() → {number|string|string}

Returns data of currently focused cell

  • number -

    rowKey - The unique key of the row

  • string -

    columnName - The name of the column

  • string -

    value - The value of the cell

getIndexOfColumn(columnName) → {number}

Returns the index of the column indentified by the column name.

Name Type Description
columnName string

The unique key of the column

number -
  • The index of the column

getIndexOfRow(rowKey) → {number}

Returns the index of the row indentified by the rowKey.

Name Type Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the row

number -
  • The index of the row

getModifiedRows(optionsopt) → {Object}

Returns the object that contains the lists of changed data compared to the original data.
The object has properties 'createdRows', 'updatedRows', 'deletedRows'.

Name Type Attributes Description
options Object <optional>


Name Type Attributes Default Description
checkedOnly boolean <optional>

If set to true, only checked rows will be considered.

withRawData boolean <optional>

If set to true, the data will contains
the row data for internal use.

rowKeyOnly boolean <optional>

If set to true, only keys of the changed
rows will be returned.

ignoredColumns Array <optional>

A list of column name to be excluded.

Object -
  • Object that contains the result list.

getPagination() → {tui.component.Pagination}

Returns an instance of tui.component.Pagination.


getRow(rowKey, isJsonStringopt) → {Object|string}

Returns the object that contains all values in the specified row.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the target row

isJsonString boolean <optional>

If set to true, return value will be converted to JSON string.

Object | string -
  • The object that contains all values in the row. (or JSON string of the object)

getRowAt(index, isJsonStringopt) → {Object|string}

Returns the object that contains all values in the row at specified index.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
index number

The index of the row

isJsonString Boolean <optional>

If set to true, return value will be converted to JSON string.

Object | string -
  • The object that contains all values in the row. (or JSON string of the object)

getRowCount() → {number}

Returns the total number of the rows.

number -
  • The total number of the rows

getRows() → {Array}

Returns a list of all rows.

Array -
  • A list of all rows

getRowSpanData(rowKey, columnName) → {Object}

Returns the rowspan data of the cell identified by the rowKey and columnName.

Name Type Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the row

columnName string

The name of the column

Object -
  • Row span data

getSortState() → {Object}

Get state of the sorted column in rows

Object -

Sorted column's state

getValue(rowKey, columnName, isOriginalopt) → {number|string}

Returns the value of the cell identified by the rowKey and columnName.

Name Type Attributes Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the target row.

columnName string

The name of the column

isOriginal boolean <optional>

It set to true, the original value will be return.

number | string -
  • The value of the cell


Hide columns

Name Type Attributes Description
arguments string <repeatable>

Column names to hide

isModified() → {boolean}

Returns true if there are at least one row modified.

boolean -
  • True if there are at least one row modified.

prependRow(rowopt, optionsopt)

Insert the new row with specified data to the beginning of table.

Name Type Attributes Description
row object <optional>

The data for the new row

options object <optional>


Name Type Attributes Description
focus boolean <optional>

If set to true, move focus to the new row after appending


Refresh the layout view. Use this method when the view was rendered while hidden.

removeCellClassName(rowKey, columnName, className)

Removes the specified css class from the cell element indentified by the rowKey and columnName.

Name Type Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the row

columnName string

The name of the column

className string

The css class name to be removed

removeCheckedRows(showConfirm) → {boolean}

Removes all checked rows.

Name Type Description
showConfirm boolean

If set to true, confirm message will be shown before remove.

boolean -
  • True if there's at least one row removed.

removeRow(rowKey, optionsopt)

Removes the row identified by the specified rowKey.

Name Type Attributes Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the row

options boolean | object <optional>

Options. If the type is boolean, this value is equivalent to

Name Type Attributes Description
removeOriginalData boolean <optional>

If set to true, the original data will be removed.

keepRowSpanData boolean <optional>

If set to true, the value of the merged cells will not be
removed although the target is first cell of them.

removeRowClassName(rowKey, className)

Removes the specified css class from all cell elements in the row identified by the rowKey.

Name Type Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the row

className string

The css class name to be removed


Reset the width of each column by using initial setting of column models.


Replace all rows with the specified list. This will not change the original data.

Name Type Description
data Array

A list of new rows


Restores the data to the original data.
(Original data is set by setData


Select cells or rows by range

Name Type Description
range object

Selection range

Name Type Attributes Description
start array <optional>

Index info of start selection (ex: [rowIndex, columnIndex])

end array <optional>

Index info of end selection (ex: [rowIndex, columnIndex])


Sets the height of body-area.

Name Type Description
value number

The number of pixel


Sets the list of column model.

Name Type Description
columns Array

A new list of column model

setColumnValues(columnName, columnValue, isCheckCellStateopt)

Sets the all values in the specified column.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
columnName string

The name of the column

columnValue number | string

The value to be set

isCheckCellState Boolean <optional>

If set to true, only editable and not disabled cells will be affected.

setData(data, callback)

Replace all rows with the specified list. This will change the original data.

Name Type Description
data Array

A list of new rows

callback function

The function that will be called when done.

setFooterColumnContent(columnName, contents)

Sets the HTML string of given column summary.

Name Type Description
columnName string

column name

contents string

HTML string

  • since version 2.5.0 and is replaced by "setSummaryColumnContent" API


Sets the count of frozen columns.

Name Type Description
count number

The count of columns to be frozen


Set the height of the dimension.

Name Type Description
height number

The height of the dimension

setSummaryColumnContent(columnName, contents)

Sets the HTML string of given column summary.

Name Type Description
columnName string

column name

contents string

HTML string

setValue(rowKey, columnName, columnValue)

Sets the value of the cell identified by the specified rowKey and columnName.

Name Type Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the row

columnName string

The name of the column

columnValue number | string

The value to be set


Set the width of the dimension.

Name Type Description
width number

The width of the dimension


Show columns

Name Type Attributes Description
arguments string <repeatable>

Column names to show

sort(columnName, ascendingopt)

Sorts all rows by the specified column.

Name Type Attributes Description
columnName string

The name of the column to be used to compare the rows

ascending boolean <optional>

Whether the sort order is ascending.
If not specified, use the negative value of the current order.


Unchecks the row identified by the specified rowKey.

Name Type Description
rowKey number | string

The unique key of the row


Unchecks all rows.


Unsorts all rows. (Sorts by rowKey).

use(name, options) → {tui.Grid}

Create an specified AddOn and use it on this instance.

Name Type Description
name string

The name of the AddOn to use.

options object

The option objects for configuring the AddON.

tui.Grid -
  • This instance.

validate() → {Array.<Object>}

Validates all data and returns the result.
Return value is an array which contains only rows which have invalid cell data.

Array.<Object> -

An array of error object

// return value example
            rowKey: 1,
            errors: [
                    columnName: 'c1',
                    errorCode: 'REQUIRED'
                    columnName: 'c2',
                    errorCode: 'REQUIRED'
            rowKey: 3,
            errors: [
                    columnName: 'c2',
                    errorCode: 'REQUIRED'



Occurs before the http request is sent

Name Type Description
instance Grid

Current grid instance


Occurs when a checkbox in row header is checked

Name Type Description
rowKey number

rowKey of the checked row

instance Grid

Current grid instance


Occurs when a mouse button is clicked on the Grid.
The properties of the event object include the native event object.

Name Type Description
nativeEvent jQueryEvent

Event object

targetType string

Type of event target

rowKey number

rowKey of the target cell

columnName string

columnName of the target cell

instance Grid

Current grid instance


Occurs when a mouse button is double clicked on the Grid.
The properties of the event object include the native event object.

Name Type Description
nativeEvent jQueryEvent

Event object

targetType string

Type of event target

rowKey number

rowKey of the target cell

columnName string

columnName of the target cell

instance Grid

Current grid instance


Occurs when cells are deleted by 'del' key

Name Type Description
columnNames Array

columName list of deleted cell

rowKeys Array

rowKey list of deleted cell

instance Grid

Current grid instance


Occurs after the response event, if the response is Error

Name Type Description
httpStatus number

HTTP status

requestType string

Request type

requestParameter string

Request parameters

instance Grid

Current grid instance


Occurs after the response event, if the result is false

Name Type Description
httpStatus number

HTTP status

requestType string

Request type

requestParameter string

Request parameter

responseData Object

response data

instance Grid

Current grid instance


Occurs when focused cell is about to change

Name Type Description
rowKey number

rowKey of the target cell

columnName number

columnName of the target cell

prevRowKey number

rowKey of the currently focused cell

prevColumnName number

columnName of the currently focused cell

instance Grid

Current grid instance


Occurs when a mouse button is downed on the Grid.
The event object has all properties copied from the native MouseEvent.

Name Type Description
nativeEvent jQueryEvent

Event object

targetType string

Type of event target

rowKey number

rowKey of the target cell

columnName string

columnName of the target cell

instance Grid

Current grid instance


Occurs when a mouse pointer is moved off from the Grid.
The event object has all properties copied from the native MouseEvent.

Name Type Description
nativeEvent jQueryEvent

Event object

targetType string

Type of event target

rowKey number

rowKey of the target cell

columnName string

columnName of the target cell

instance Grid

Current grid instance


Occurs when a mouse pointer is moved onto the Grid.
The properties of the event object include the native MouseEvent object.

Name Type Description
nativeEvent jQueryEvent

Event object

targetType string

Type of event target

rowKey number

rowKey of the target cell

columnName string

columnName of the target cell

instance Grid

Current grid instance


Occurs when the response is received from the server

Name Type Description
httpStatus number

HTTP status

requestType string

Request type

requestParameter string

Request parameters

responseData Object

response data

instance Grid

Current grid instance


Occurs when selecting cells

Name Type Description
range Object

Range of selection

Name Type Description
start Array

Info of start cell (ex: [rowKey, columName])

end Array

Info of end cell (ex: [rowKey, columnName])

instance Grid

Current grid instance


Occurs after the response event, if the result is true

Name Type Description
httpStatus number

HTTP status

requestType string

Request type

requestParameter string

Request parameter

responseData Object

response data

instance Grid

Current grid instance


Occurs when a checkbox in row header is unchecked

Name Type Description
rowKey number

rowKey of the unchecked row

instance Grid

Current grid instance